CApT’N Standish’s Time Traveled world << Back
CApT’N Standish’s Time Traveled world << Back
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be visited by Captain Myles Standish? What stories would he tell of Old England, Holland, and the Dutch/Spanish Wars? How did the Mayflower journey to the New World affect his and other Pilgrims’ lives? What relationship did he establish as a founder of Plimoth Colony, with the Native American Wampanoag people? How did he dress? How did he speak? What did he eat and drink? As an Englishman, what pastimes interested him? Did he play games? Did he know of William Shakespeare? Why did he come to the New World? Entertain Myles Standish in your classroom after your class views a copy of The History Channel’s production of Desperate Crossing: The Untold Story of the Mayflower. Let history come alive before your eyes.
welcome to the world as seen through the eyes of captain myles standish of plimoth colony
Michael Weber, portrays Myles Standish in The History Channel’s production of Desperate Crossing: The Untold Story of the Mayflower.
Click here for Myles Standish Video